Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 5:00 pm.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

PO Box 720093

Houston TX  77272 US


Disclaimer:  Crisis Chaplaincy of America does not make any representations regarding the use of training models, or the reliance upon these models, for decision making purposes; and Crisis Chaplaincy of America will not he held liable for any damages, however suffered, flowing from the direct or indirect use of, or reliance upon these training models.

This course is eligible for TCOLE credit hours.

** Please note:  Background checks are conducted.  Applicants may not have anything greater than a Class B Misdeamenor on record."

crisis chaplaincy of america

Copyright © Crisis Chaplaincy of Harris County 2013 - 2024. All rights reserved.

Information center

CLICK HERE to order uniforms.

CLICK HERE to renew badge.

faqs frequently asked questions

1.  Is this class offered online?
     No, it is not.

2.  What is included in the class?
      The two day course includes a workbook as well as lunch for both days and light snacks.   Bring a pen and wear comfortable business casual clothing.

3.  What certificates, if any, are available?
      After attending both days of training, a professional certification of chaplain designation will be issued and you will be recognized as an ordained crisis chaplain.  You will also earned a 4.0 Hours of CEU for Psychological First

      Aid training certificate.

4.  Will the certificates allow me employment in the community?

      We offer and provide a thorough and complete course to equip you on your journey as a Chaplain as we are recognized as an A-vocational school, however, this course is not designed as a substitute for a college degree.

      (We can guide you to the next steps.)

5.  My current badge is expiring, what do I do?

     Badges are valid for one year and are issued with an expiration date on them.  Please go to the Badge Renewal tab for a re-issue of a valid badge should you choose to keep your certification for a fee of $100.  A new badge, valid

     for one year, will be mailed to the address provided on your PayPal receipt.  If it has been over 13 months since your badge was issued, re-training is required.  Please note you are not representative of Crisis Chaplaincy of America

     if your badge has expired.  Click here to renew badge.

6.  How do I renew my badge, re-train and what is the cost?
     If your badge has expired longer than 13 months, please submit a registration application and type "RENEWAL" in the Letter of Recommendation section of the application along with the date of the class you plan to attend.  After

    your renewal application is submitted, you will receive an invoice for $145.00 which covers the renewal badge, lunch and materials.

7.  What can I do if I need a refresher or more current class instruction?
     If you have a valid (unexpired) badge you have the option and opportunity to attend ANY class offered throughout a calendar year for an initial nominal fee of $45 to cover new material and lunch.